What exactly is it?

Dermaplaning uses a scalpel for vellus hair, aka 'peach fuzz', hair removal, as well as removal of the superficial layers of dead skin cells. It is an extremely gentle and pain-free treatment with absolutely no down time and no bleeding.

Your esthetician will cleanse your skin and start the process. Essentially it feels like someone is gently scratching along your skin and does not hurt in the slightest, it actually feels pretty dang good and leaves your face feeling as smooth as a baby's bottom.

Why should you try it?

Dermaplaning is a great and extremely effective way to exfoliate your skin, brighten your tone, and de-congest your face. It is also a great way to get rid of the peach fuzz on your face so your makeup will apply more smoothly. It will also allow for better penetration of your skin care products into your skin.

Myths and Misunderstandings:

  • No, your hair WILL NOT grow back thicker and darker. Just because you shave the hair off at the surface of your skin, you are not able to change the structure of your hair follicle. Your hair will grow back the same color and thickness as before.
  • No, dermaplaning will not cause you to break out. Actually, its more of the opposite... by exfoliating and removing the dead skin cells from the surface of your skin, you are removing dirt and debris and exfoliating, leaving cleaner and more clear skin behind. It also allows for better product penetration, so you get more bang for your buck on those good skin care products!
  • No, you cannot use a regular razor to dermaplane. While you can use a regular razor to shave your face, this is not the same as dermaplaning your face (which is better left to the experts – your esthetician). A dermaplane razor uses a sharp single blade which is what removes the dead skin cells.

Want to give it a try?

You can come in for this treatment alone, or add it on to any facial treatment. Any of our amazing estheticians would love to teach you more. Call to make an appointment here at Renu Laser and Skin Care: (303) 470-0200.