Cold Weather Skin Care Tips

With the cold weather looming around the corner, it's time you get your skincare arsenal ready for the frigid temperatures. Because of the weather, you have to put a little extra T.L.C into your skincare routine. You may be wondering what you can do and we are here to help...

***As a side note, many of you will be out of the sun as it is coming upon wintertime. As a reminder, this is the BEST time for you to get any laser procedures you have been thinking of because you will not have recent sun exposure. This is a great time to start back up with your laser hair removal routine, get that IPL (photo facial you have been wanting), etc. Not to mention you may have more down time available for some of the larger procedures because you will be indoors with cold weather, hopefully with a warm blanket and watching good movies. . . Call us to schedule 303-470-0200.


  1. Invest in a humidifier for your room to maximize moisture within your environment seeing as it will be getting very dry. Cold and dry air can leave your skin very irritated, itchy, chapped and red.
  2. Try not to crank up the heat. By keeping your thermostat lower it can help you to avoid dryness. To maintain a healthy environment for your skin, keep your thermostat somewhere between 68°F to 72°F.
  3. Moisturize frequently – this includes your hands and lips!
  4. Apply sunscreen. No, you are not out by the pool, BUT the sun still exists every single day, is out full force, and can do just as much damage in the winter as it can in the summer. Remember to apply an SPF daily. If you will be outside for longer periods of time, remember to keep applying! This means you – skiers, snowboarders, hikers, sled-ers, snowman builders, etc.
  5. Modify your daily skincare routine. You may be used to applying an astringent. This may be the time that you have to start monitoring that closely, or possibly omitting, as your skin can very quickly become dry and chapped. Utilize more cream-based moisturizers and use products that help to retain your skin's natural oils. Also, remember to help those lips out by routinely applying a good moisturizing balm, and frequently!
  6. Drink water frequently. You may not be overly hot but your skin, and body, still needs the moisture from within as this is the primary element that you skin is composed of. Do not deprive your skin of what it needs to be healthy and this applies year-round. Keep water with you frequently and make sure you are getting at least the recommended daily amount. Please remember that drinks that contain caffeine DO NOT count towards your daily water intake!