You are what you eat. It's actually quite true! Pay attention to what you put in your body, and it can dramatically change the appearance of your skin. It's important to understand the right foods to eat to get the aesthetic results you desire.

For clear, blemish-free skin, focus on fish & vegetables. Dark leafy greens and fish like salmon can do wonders for your skin. The omega 3′s and vitamins C and A in these foods can really keep acne away.

Winter weather can wreak havoc on skin and leave behind a dry, parched appearance. If you're struggling with dryness, re-hydrate with green tea. The antioxidants in green tea increase hydration and blood flow to the skin. If your whole body is dry, try adding some milk to your bath. The lactic acid is a natural softener.

If you're struggling with fine lines on your face, focus your diet on a large variety of fruits and vegetables. Strawberries, peppers, oranges, broccoli, pineapples, kale, papaya, and kiwis are loaded with vitamin C, which help increase collagen.

Do you just have trouble with dull skin? Think outside the box. Try topical scrubs and moisturizers. Make a do-it-yourself scrub made with oatmeal & honey. It will moisturize, tighten & smooth. Try this recipe: Puree ¾ a cup of oatmeal, one egg, ¼ cup mineral water, and ¼ cup of raw honey at room temperature in a blender. Apply to your face and leave for five minutes, or until your face begins to feel tight. Then rinse.

Avoid sugars and other food additives and reveal a fresher, clearer, more moisturized you!