I'm in my 30s on a budget, BUT i want to take care of my skin... Some tips from the experts:

So you are getting older and starting to considering the effects of aging on your skin. Perhaps you've even started to see some signs of aging. All the years of sunbathing and setting out on adventures without sunscreen may finally be catching up with you, or soon they will. So, we are here to tell you a few pointers on how to make sure you are taking good care of your skin, or at least some things to consider. It is better to be proactive with your aging skin, rather than trying to reverse the process after it has started.

First and foremost, if you haven't been wearing sunscreen, it's time you start! You've heard it all along, and we will tell you even more NOW, it's time. Not only will it rapidly age your skin, but you need to be making sure to do anything you can to prevent skin cancer. You may be thinking, 'I don't want to put a greasy sunscreen on my face.' Well, friends, there are many wonderful skin care lines that make sunscreens specifically for your face that are not greasy, and are very good for your skin. They get the job done, and they work well with your skin care line, and under makeup (if you wear it). One of our many favorites that we carry here at Renu Laser and Skin Care is included in our Obagi Skin Care lines. Remember folks, not all sunscreens are created equal, so make sure you are asking which sunscreen is best for you. We can help you with that here at Renu, as well.

Okay, you've got your sunscreen on and you've committed to combatting the sun's harmful rays from this point forward. What else can you do? The experts would next point you to a good Vitamin C product. This can include Vitamin C serums, or a good night Vitamin C enzyme mask. We sell both of those products here at Renu. One of my favorites include the Vitamin C Serum that is included in our Obagi Skin Care line (C-Clarifying Serum). Obagi Vitamin C Serums come in formulas made for both oily and regular skin. Again, we can find what is right for you. Another great product with Vitamin C that we sell here at Renu Laser and Skin Care includes IMAGE's Vital C Hydrating Enzyme Masque. This is a great product because it will help to gently exfoliate the build up of any dull or dry skin. I like apply this one before I go to sleep, and when I wake up my skin feels amazingly refreshed and has a glow to it. My skin looks hydrated and fresh.

Thirdly as important to consider is that you are going to need to start incorporating Trentinoin (aka Retin-A), or an Alpha Hydroxy Acid (night cream) for exfoliation and rapid cell turnover, which allows younger skin calls to come to the surface, giving us a fresher look. This can help with acne, overall skin texture, evening skin tone, fine lines, and wrinkles. There are many different types of Retin-A / Retinols that you can utilize and this will depend heavily on how sensitive your skin is. Retinols tend to be a bit lighter in strength, and Retin-A will have a bit more strength which will yield quicker results but also side effects such a dryness, redness, and peeling. It is important to gradually introduce these products so your skin will become acclimated through time; results are increased, and side effects are minimized. You can ask us here at Renu where it is best for you to begin.

There are many things that can be done to combat skin aging, but the three MOST recommended for people in their 30s are those detailed above. Call to set up a FREE consultation with one of our skin care providers here at Renu Laser and Skin Care and we will get you headed in the right direction while keeping in mind the budget you have set for skin care goals.