1. If you eat too much sugar you can get: Wrinkles
    - Sugar in foods will bind to proteins in skin that keeps skin firm and smooth.
    - Sugars from processed foods are the bad ones, natural sugars from fruits give you skin helpful antioxidants.
  2. True or false? You have to drink a lot of water to keep your skin healthy?
    - FALSE – YES skin needs moisture to stay, look, and feel healthy. BUT it does not always have to be water. Both orange juice and milk are nearly 90% water that will help to hydrate the skin. Dry skin ages quicker and is more likely to itch and get red. Drinks with alcohol and caffeine DO NOT help.
  3. What can trigger acne breakout: White Rice – Foods with a lot of simple carbs
    - (examples : white rice, white bread, white bagels, corn flakes, cooked spaghetti, and even raisins kick your blood sugar up quickly, triggering body to make more insulin (hormone that pumps up production of oil), this can clog pores and lead to pimples.
  4. When you're vegetarian or vegan, your skin tends to be more dry.
    - Essential fatty acids like Omega 3's are building blocks of cell membranes. Also help make the skins natural oil barrier that keeps kin supple. (Found in things like crab, tuna, fish, etc.) You can get them from plant oils, nuts, and soy too. But if your diet does not include animal proteins, you will have lower levels.
  5. To make your less oily, eat more - cantaloupe and butternut squash.
    - More vitamin A in your blood means less of your skin's natural oils, known as sebum; Butternut squash, cantaloupe, carrots, green leafy vegetables, mangoes, pumpkins, and sweet potatoes area rich sources of Vitamin A.
  6. What can spicy foot set off – Rosacea
    - Other things that are triggers: alcohol, hot drinks, dairy products, & certain foods and vegetables.
  7. Who is likely to have a food allergy: A child with Eczema.
    - About 1/3 of children with eczema (disease that makes skin itchy, red, & swollen) also have a food allergy. Dairy products and eggs can sometimes be the culprit in children.
  8. How many people that have psoriasis are also sensitive to gluten?
    - 25% They may share a genetic link.