Here we all are, weeks into quarantine. Some businesses are opening up with stringent regulations and some still remain closed entirely. Thankfully, we here at Renu Laser and Skin Care are able to see our clients at the office again, of course with strict rules and regulations to ensure the health of everyone, which is our first and foremost goal!

We wanted to update all of you to the routine procedures we are strictly following in order to continue providing the safest and healthiest services possible amidst the global pandemic (did we ever truly think this would be a real thing?!) How odd the times are...

While we are slowly re-opening our business, please note that we fully understand that some of you will be continuing with self-isolation based on a number of factors for some time to come. Please stay safe and quarantined until you feel it safe to return to normal life and your skin care procedures here with us at Renu Laser and Skin Care. Please remember that we will be here for you when you are ready.

The following are some of the routine procedures and guidelines we are following to ensure health and cleanliness:

  1. When thinking about the rules and regulations we needed to have in place to have a clean and safe environment, we as a building decided to invest in multiple top-of-the-line air filters (Austin Air Health Mate Plus). These air filters take out viruses, bacteria, mold, pollen, and chemicals such as formaldehyde and fragrance. We also have invested in an in-duct air purifier (Reme Halo In-Duct Air Purifier). Furthermore, please note that we are working hard to keep our air as clean as possible.
  2. Each and every client and employee is required to wear a face mask within our building limits.
  3. Upon entering, we ask that you immediately go to the restroom to wash your hands with soap and warm water, for 20 seconds or longer. Rule of thumb – Sing 'Happy Birthday' to ensure you wash for long enough to clean off virus/bacteria.
  4. We ask that you do not bring anyone to your appointment, please come alone as the waiting room is not open.
  5. We will be spacing apart appointments in order to ensure we have adequate time to thoroughly clean and disinfect all surfaces/devices between each and every appointment.
  6. Everyone within the building is asked to remain distant from others in maintaining distancing of at least 6 feet.
  7. All surfaces, both in the common/reception areas, as well as within the treatment rooms, will be cleaned and maintained in between client appointments.
  8. It is imperative that if you do not feel well you must cancel your appointment and we will re-schedule you for another time. Also, if you have come into contact with someone who has symptoms, even if you are asymptomatic, we ask that you hold off on your appointment and come in when you know there is no potential risk for getting others sick.
  9. Please take your temperature prior to coming into your appointment. Even if you are running a low-grade fever, we ask that you re-schedule your appointment. Regular temperature is 98.5 degrees; anything above that, we ask that you please reschedule.
  10. For those coming in to purchase products only. Please call ahead to order and pay and we are able to bring those products out to you, curbside delivery to make for a more convenient and safe product pick-up.

Together, we can safely return to work and give you top of the line service, while maintaining our top priority which is the health of everyone. If you have any questions about coming in, or scheduling an appointment, please give us a call to discuss at 303-470-0200.

Please stay considerate, safe, and healthy!

All our best,

Renu Laser and Skin Care